All posts by durbincrystal

I am a lover of all things fitness related. It is my zen! My workout clothes are my catwalk moment everyday during carpool. I am a foodie! Not a nose in the air snob foodie, I've been known to throw back a hotdog and a good beer every now and then. But I am a true food lover! I get off on finding new recipes and a day spent in the kitchen is a successful day to me. I love the beach, she is my sanity! There is nothing better than a golden brown tan and a spray of freckles across your nose! Live life!

I like it hot and fast!

Chicken chicken, that’s what’s kickin! There is just something so yummy, and so easy about this chicken! I am telling you this crust on the skin is to die for! It’s healthy, it’s baked, it’s delicious! No need to freak out.
Let’s start with the basics. Ingredients…


1 whole chicken
Organic free range if possible
A couple sprigs of fresh rosemary
Salt, pepper
Olive oil
White wine

Set oven to 450 degrees, yep…. That hot! The key is to cook this chicken hot and fast. That is how you get such a delicious crust on the skin.

Wash out your chicken and pat dry. Drizzle olive oil in the cavity of your chicken and sprinkle in salt and pepper.
Rough chop your veggies , lemon, onion, and stuff in cavity with rosemary sprigs (setting one aside for chopping) and whole garlic cloves (2-3). Set aside one garlic clove to thinly slice for stuffing.
Pour a smidge of wine in cavity to bake. Liquid will run out but taste is still there.
Slice small hole in breast and legs to stuff sliced garlic into.
Drizzle top of chicken with olive oil
Chop Rosemary to sprinkle on top with salt and pepper.

Let’s add some yummy roasted rosemary potatoes….. Because who doesn’t love rosemary potatoes?

Half or quarter potatoes
Chop Rosemary and garlic
Top with olive oil, salt, pepper, Rosemary, garlic and mix.


I also like to bake corn on the cob too, I top it with Parmesan as soon as it comes out the oven.


I bake all items at the same temp for nearly 45 mins to make this an easy meal!

Bake chicken uncovered, basting with natural juices once or twice. Let chicken sit for a few minutes before cutting into to retain moisture.

Finished product is yummy, and beautiful, and healthy. A feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds.



Stay hungry my friends!

Not feeling fabletics up in here!

Alrighty, I have two name brand, fitness clothes reviews to very sadly put out there. I had very high hopes for one of these guys, but I am 50/50 on them now. And not so high hopes on the other and they hit par on that one.
Let’s start with Fabletics…. Uuuugggghh, I just want to cry going into this review. Truth be told, I am a huge kate hudson fan! I think she is cute, adorable, has great style and a bangin body! I can’t tell you how excited I was to hear of her launching a fitness line. I was pumped to sign up as a VIP member (because I am a very important person in my own little mind) and immediately bought more than just my introductory outfits.
At first glance her prints are super cute, a few of the shirts are my style and cute. But over all, I hate to say this….. It’s kinda killing me…… But, well, I’ve seen it all before. It isn’t very inspired.
I ordered the palm outfit with solar leggings and the oula tank.IMG_4257.JPG
They seriously were so cute! I was excited to get into a printed pant like this, these are my colors man!!!! So not happy after I put them on. The pants are lined with a white layer under them, but when you bend over and bend at the knees they look see through. I mean I love lululemon…. But the see through butt thing is so last year! I felt the waist band didn’t have as much give as I would have liked, and seemed to fit tight. I am a true small. That is what I ordered and they fit a bit snug, but not badly to the eye, just badly to the feel.
I felt the material to be a bit suffocating also. I like to breathe when I run. My legs do anyways….. I can only compare to my favorite Athleta pants, and these just don’t hold up.
The tank is ok. It fits fine, the color is bold….. But truthfully it isn’t anything spectacular. I have 100 wicking tanks that fit better in my closet now.
The only saving grace was the two pairs of shorts that I ordered and like. I probably won’t ever work out in them. The material is thin, and I call it saggy crotch….. When you just have too much material left over in the front.
Ehhhhhhh, I’ll give them a C rating because I’m hopeful for something better. I’ll give them another shot.
Bonus….. Customer service was awesome!!!!!! Another bonus, the prices are really good for a budget.

Next up…. A little fitness line called Ellie.
They are new to me. I went into this with no expectations….. Which was a good thing.
The line is small and somewhat dark in color. There are not many bold prints or colors but still a decent variety to choose from. I ordered the twilight Capri, zen city singlet tank, and be epic tank.

The capris look super cute on the model online, but just don’t hold up in person. Again, what is up with the see through butt!!!!! I do squat when I work out, I don’t want to show off everything I own to my fitness class!
I went with these capris because I thought they would be cute for lounging, and I think they could be. They are not made with a wicking material, so I would die in them if I tried to run. The tank top was just bad. Bad material, bad print, bad fit. Again, I ordered a small and this tank was just so big and shapeless. Although the design in theory was a great idea with the strap in back being somewhat sexy and modern.
Best part of what I ordered was the be epic tee.

It is cute, it does fit great…. I will be epic!!!!
I would rate this a D company. I’m just not inspired to order again.

Workout clothes are so important! I want to look good, feel good, be inspired and have them be functional.
I don’t think that is too much to ask for.

Lorna Jane seems to understand this, and remains my brand to beat!

It’s the maybe’s that get you!

I am consistently up to a 3 mile run right now, no problems…. (besides my breathing, the heat, my knee and my planters fasciitis acting up again…. but who’s complaining?  Training has been harder lately just because of school, kids, the weather is soooooo muggy and hot this time of year in South Louisiana. I can totally think of a few more excuses…. just give me a second.

But the truth is I’m stuck.  Stuck in that runner’s rut that we all get in sometime.  For me it is usually the 3 mile mark.  That first mile is always one  that I won’t stay in for long because… well dammit, I’m better than that.  The 3 mile mark is where I seem to sit and rot for a bit.  It usually takes a huge motivational push, or a swift kick in the ass, to push me forward out of the rut.

I went to my 13 year old niece’s cross country meet this past weekend and this may have been my kick in the ass I need.  First off, she is beautiful, and gorgeous….. and doesn’t know it, which just makes her more beautiful in my book.  She decided to run cross country to make friends her freshman year after being a sloth her entire life (saying this with so much love for the kid!) Now the girl is running 3 miles everyday like its nothing.  She freaking killed my best time this weekend…. actually I didn’t even want to tell her my time right now because she freaking murdered my time!  (swallow back that jealousy and embarrassment….. I too can be a gazelle…. just a really old one). I am standing there asking how she does her training, and Yo (because highschoolers still use Yo?) Yo, email me your training guide.

The great thing is that we connected…. across the generations and language barriers, but truly connected over running.  I love her and am so proud of her!!! But I will totally train to whip her much younger ass! (I am not competitive at all am I?)

Now for my motivation.  I found myself at my normal Tread Class ( I will tell you all about this amazing, hard, best workout i’ve ever done, class soon.)  In conversation with my trainers I found myself saying I was “training for the half marathon in Nov. and MAYBE the whole in January.  And they got me. They spotted it out……. It’s the maybe. Maybe is a way out. It’s a non commitment. And I was doing it.  I’m afraid I can’t do a whole, what if I’m not ready?

I have to commit.  Whole heartedly, without any doubt commit.  I must believe I can do it.  So here it is, from me to you.

I will run a half marathon for the first time this November…… and maybe a full in January!

That’s the best I’ve got for now! Now back to training….. I am going to run a total of 2 miles tonight.  I will warm up for a half, then run 1 full mile as fast as I can and record that time, cool down for a half mile. That is my goal tonight.  Tomorrow is my Tread class which will be another 2 mile day.  Friday will be my long day…… this is the day I plan on passing that 3 mile mark.  4 is the goal on Friday.

Maybe it will rain…. I should watch a movie, maybe I should catch up on my DVR ?…… See, I need to shake off the funk and just get out there and do it!

Motivation, and accountability….. I will run over my 3 mile hump this Friday
There, I said it!

Live well my friends!

All things Lorna!

My obsession with Lorna Jane workout clothes continues.  I love her, the clothes, the brightness!  This company is the one to beat in my book.  I find myself comparing everything to Lorna these days.  Considering I wear my workout clothes more than I do my actual real life clothes, they need to be fashionable and functional.  Lorna Jane brings it.  This is my daily catwalk moment… which inspirational Tee do I wear today with my faux leather (OMG I love these!) shorts, or my plastic shorts (Yes, plastic! but not really). I can not begin to tell you the envious looks and compliments I get when wearing my Lorna’s….. even if it is just at the grocery store or carpool. I look gooooood!

Lorna Jane mixes crazy materials with bold colors and bright prints.  Her inspirational quotes make you want to wear that shirt, that day, and it helps create your mood.  Plus, the bonus is that they are hard core functional clothes for running and working out with the most up to date sweat wicking materials.

My favorites are the running shorts.  I absolutely adore them.  There is this back flap running over your butt that just makes your butt look so good, so plump, so perfect!  I was a little scared at first trying on the shorts because they look so small, and short… but they are not. They totally fit true to size, and are not too short at all.  They do fit at the most flattering part on you lower hips.  I usually tuck a smidge of my shirt into my front waistband… because I’m cool like that ya know, and the outfit just looks finished, pulled together and complete.  Throw in some pockets and this girl is feeling happy!

Sports bras…… super fashionable. The colors are so bright, and Lorna does a good job of playing around with different ways to place the straps, and different cuts.  These are not just normal hold my boobs in place sports bras, but well thought out and executed sports bras that are an integral part of an outfit.  They do come with a substantial amount of padding, so little boobies can  enjoy just as much as big boobies because they are removable!!!! I will say that it is best to try these on, I have a few and they all fit different.

Logo Tee’s and Tanks…. Seriously the cutest!!! I love my “Create your own sunshine”, “Why not”, “never, never, never, give up”. They are all made of cotton, and sweat wicking materials.  They fit true to size, and there is a good variety of loose fitting tanks and tight ones if you’re into that type of thing (you probably have a flat stomach and have never had children dammmmn you!!!!) Most of her tanks are designed with different back styles, or arms, or cutouts, so that your sports bras can be mixed and matched with your outfit.

Capris and running leggings….. I can’t give an honest opinion here.  I am in love with Athleta running capris and tights.  It will be hard to beat these as far as true functionality for me personally goes.  I will say Lorna Jane has an amazing line of prints, and bold colors, and her tights are super fashionable and cute.  I’ll give a better review on tights this winter and compare them to my Athleta tights.

Moral to the story….. This is the brand to beat.  Lorna Jane is worth the money, the fit is there, the quality is there, the clothes do not fade or wear out easily.  They are made to be worn, used, and abused.  That is what the company wants.  Active living, active lifestyle….. and all while looking good doing it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s running, working out , car pool, or grocery shopping…. we should always look good and feel good while doing it!IMG_4238-0.JPG



The power of planking!

Alright, alright…. I already know.  The dreaded plank.  Trust me, I hate these suckers as much as the next person.  I dread hearing the instructors in class say the words “hold your plank for 1 min”.  Why am I always next to the fit, young chick that can check her text messages while planking and not break a sweat?  I am literally shaking, sweating, cursing god and my abs!!! I hate planks….  I hate planks…..and that is exactly why I do them, religiously, consistently and with every workout.

I have 3 children, at one point I thought that there was no hope for me or my jelly belly to ever bounce back and recover. I have been planking for years and it has truly been the only thing to get deep down in those muscles and work that core….. work it girrrrrrlllll! I have noticed that my muscles (ok…. maybe not quite muscles, but there is a solid 2 pack I’m working on here) have bounced back and recovered quicker, stronger and easier after each pregnancy.  Yes, I planked throughout my pregnancies also.  It is really good for you, and your back, to retain your strength while that baby is sucking the life out of you! ( I love my children, I love my children….)

My goal is to hold those planks on my hands for a minute.  There are so many variations of planks that you will never get tired (hahaha yeah right!) but seriously, try to mix it up.  

Planks will rip up your arms, shoulders, back and abs.  Add in some burpees, or mountain climbers to up the “holy crap this hurts factor” and get a full body workout.  You can do an entire workout without leaving an area the size of a yoga mat with just burpees and planks.

I’ll talk about burpees soon, ooooooo I have such a love hate relationship with burpees! Until then I’ll leave you with these pics to inspire you.

This is how I really do my planks!

Perhaps Emeralds are a girls best friend?

Ahhhhhh, the emerald coast that is. The beautiful, relaxing, coveted, destin, Florida beaches!
There is nothing more rejuvenating than feeling the sun warming your skin, feeling the wind whip through your hair, having the cool ocean lick at your toes. It’s my zen! It’s my everything! I was born to be on a beach, and this place will be my home one day.
She is beautiful, she is unique, she is surrounded by amazing food, scenery and charm….. Did I mention food? We’ll get there I promise, and it will be soooooo good!
Let me take you to Seaside on 30A first. Ever heard of a little movie called The Truman Show?
Well, well, well, that quaint little perfect town actually exists! It is fully functioning, beautiful, and busy! Truman’s house is still there only one block off of the town center, with a little plaque hanging on the front fence being the single item that let’s you know this is it! The real house! It is still available for rent if you are in the mood to see what Truman’s life was like in sunny Seaside.
Most visitors rent bikes while they are in town because it is so much easier to get around. The town is small and picturesque, but driving and parking takes complete patience and skills that I just don’t have on a day to day basis. The bikes add to the charm of the town while you are riding by the small charter school with their perfectly planted vegetable garden. Or slowly breezing past the towns church that has the prime spot when it comes to the beautiful views of the towering oak trees, that part the gardens to make way for the art galleries. The art galleries are an artists/art lovers paradise! There are many galleries and boutiques, salons and shops set up, all carrying very different local arts and goods. You could spend an entire day going in and out of shops…… But we didn’t come here for that. No, no, no! We came for the food!
And by food, I mean food trucks !
Let’s get to the good stuff here. I’m talking grilled cheese sandwiches from The Meltdown on 30A, but not just any grilled cheese. I mean gourmet, ooey gooey (yep, I used that!) perfectly golden brown, with bacon jam! Gasp!!!! Bacon jam you say. What is that? Apart from being a gift from god, it is freaking amazing! (Can you use freaking and god in the same sentence?)
This is what I come to Seaside for. And so does everyone else. Prepare yourself for a line because there will be a wait, but who cares! It’s sooooo worth it!
Sure, the other food trucks are top notch and amazing! I’m not taking anything away from them, or the other restaurants, they all rock! Today just isn’t about them…… Today is about cheese! And bacon!!!!! And oh my gosh I wish I were back there eating right now!

The menu is perfection! They have a sandwich for everyone. Although I don’t think anything can ever top the B.A.C sandwich, it is definitely a staple. Let’s just say cheddar cheese, avocado and wait for it, wait for it…. Bacon jam…… (Did you hear the heavens open up with that ahhhhhhhh sound?)
The bread is perfectly toasted, the avocado gives a smooth creaminess to the sandwich and the bacon jam just pushes it over the edge with the saltiness and texture. This is just sheer perfection! Kudos to the meltdown.

Not far behind the B.A.C is another goodie I like to get, the goat cheese, prosciutto, arugula, and tomato.
Oooooooo, should I go on and on about goat cheese and prosciutto? This is just another combo that makes complete sense and is amazeballs!
Nothing tops this food truck, this sandwich or bacon jam!

Not to be missed out on:
Great Southern Cafe
This place boasts about having some of the best cheese grits in town, and they do not disappoint! Take it from this little southern girl, I know my grits…. And these are freaking good!

Taco bar:
Great guacamole and fish tacos….. And margaritas to go! Holla!

Barefoot bar-b-q:
Do I have to say anymore? It’s bar-b-q, it’s from a food truck, the line wraps around the block…… It’s amazing!

That’s it….. I’m going to make my own damn bacon jam and I’ll post the recipe….. Another day…. But for now I will leave you with this Truman quote….

“Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!”



I can’t believe I’m giving it up this easy!

Ok…. This is it. This is the best, the last , the most amazing tomato soup recipe you will ever try. This soup is what I think of and crave when I see tomato soup on a menu. This soup has officially ruined all other tomato soups for me! Damn you soup for being so good! This is the recipe my friends and family lie, cheat and steal to try to get.
And for some reason I am just handing it over to you! Who knew I was so easy? Actually, if only my friends and family knew it was this easy:) but what’s the fun in that, let them think I slaved away all day in the kitchen!

I’m not one of those cooks that gets held up in the measuring department. So just jump in, hold on, and get ready to add a smidge of this, a taste of that, and make this amazing soup your own!

Ingredients (I buy local and organic whenever possible. I also use my own veggies and herbs out my garden seasonally….. Did you hear that toot toot when I blew my own horn there?)
20 or so Roma tomatoes
5-6 large red bell peppers
1 large sweet onion
2-3 cloves garlic
1 can tomato paste
1 box of chicken broth (prepare your own if possible
1 bottle of cooking wine ( or 1/4 drinking wine, hey hey!)
Marscapone cheese
Olive oil

Food processor

Italian bread
Butter…. Yep, I said it!
Any cheese (havarti, Gouda are awesome with this)

You will rough chop all veggies and throw them in a large stock pot to cook down with some olive oil.
Add seasoning here, a dash of salt and pepper to taste.
Transfer to food processor when everything is soft and process till smooth and velvety.

In stock pot add:
Olive oil (good bit, don’t be shy.)
Chopped fine garlic
Tomato paste
I like to let my tomato paste and garlic brown together for a minute here and get all yummy smelling.
Add the wine to break it up, simmer for a minute.
Add the tomato purée back in from the processor.
Add the chicken broth now while stirring to loosen up the soup.
Simmer for an hour.
Add your basil 10 mins or so before serving.
Add a dollop of marscapone in the bowls when ready to eat.

This is amaze balls!!!! The cheese melts so smoothly yummmmmm, I’m getting so hungry!

Ok…. Ya gotta have grilled cheese with the tomato soup.
Get creative. I usually add fresh basil in with my cheeses. Fresh sliced tomatoes or avocados are amazing as well. Use a panini press or skillet to get that wonderful crunchy, beautiful brown crust.

This soup is hearty and warm during the cold winters and thin enough during the hot summers to enjoy year round. And why not…… It is just as beautiful as it is delicious!

Mmmmmm, happy eating my friends!


It’s almost September……. You know what that means!

That’s right! It is about to be running weather.  Mmmmmmmm, take a deep breath. Exhale. Get ready to run!

It’s time to dust off those running shoes, pull out the jogging stroller and get moving!  (Ahhhhhh, just a few more weeks of eating chocolate and enjoying the summer please….)

Race season is around the corner, and if you are anything like me the first step is literally the hardest.  My last race was 3 months ago and I was running 7-8 miles without breathing heavy or stopping…..  I was super woman! I was awesome, nothing could keep me down…….not so much now.  After taking an entire summer off I ran my first mile  last week and wanted to die!  No, I prayed to die! No, someone just kill me.  I can’t do this.  Running is so stupid.  Why torture myself with another step? I thought I was going to pass out on the side of the road, cars were passing me as I flailed around desperately sucking in air (and my gut)….. a 60 year old lapped me ( what?).

How did I fall so far? Did taking 3 months off  really make that much of a difference.  The answer is yes!  I’m learning the hard way about how far my endurance has fallen.  While it is heartbreaking (where’s my runners high dammit!) I will use this as motivation.

And by motivation I mean…. dress the part, wear the shoes, put on a smile and run damn you!  And I did…..  I am very gladly back up to 3 miles and I am running 3-4 days a week.  Sometimes the first step is the hardest.  But, if you dress the part and say I will every day instead of I won’t, that first step will be the hardest but it won’t be the only step…… it will always remain the first.


Stay motivated my friends!




