Tag Archives: training

It’s the maybe’s that get you!

I am consistently up to a 3 mile run right now, no problems…. (besides my breathing, the heat, my knee and my planters fasciitis acting up again…. but who’s complaining?  Training has been harder lately just because of school, kids, the weather is soooooo muggy and hot this time of year in South Louisiana. I can totally think of a few more excuses…. just give me a second.

But the truth is I’m stuck.  Stuck in that runner’s rut that we all get in sometime.  For me it is usually the 3 mile mark.  That first mile is always one  that I won’t stay in for long because… well dammit, I’m better than that.  The 3 mile mark is where I seem to sit and rot for a bit.  It usually takes a huge motivational push, or a swift kick in the ass, to push me forward out of the rut.

I went to my 13 year old niece’s cross country meet this past weekend and this may have been my kick in the ass I need.  First off, she is beautiful, and gorgeous….. and doesn’t know it, which just makes her more beautiful in my book.  She decided to run cross country to make friends her freshman year after being a sloth her entire life (saying this with so much love for the kid!) Now the girl is running 3 miles everyday like its nothing.  She freaking killed my best time this weekend…. actually I didn’t even want to tell her my time right now because she freaking murdered my time!  (swallow back that jealousy and embarrassment….. I too can be a gazelle…. just a really old one). I am standing there asking how she does her training, and Yo (because highschoolers still use Yo?) Yo, email me your training guide.

The great thing is that we connected…. across the generations and language barriers, but truly connected over running.  I love her and am so proud of her!!! But I will totally train to whip her much younger ass! (I am not competitive at all am I?)

Now for my motivation.  I found myself at my normal Tread Class ( I will tell you all about this amazing, hard, best workout i’ve ever done, class soon.)  In conversation with my trainers I found myself saying I was “training for the half marathon in Nov. and MAYBE the whole in January.  And they got me. They spotted it out……. It’s the maybe. Maybe is a way out. It’s a non commitment. And I was doing it.  I’m afraid I can’t do a whole, what if I’m not ready?

I have to commit.  Whole heartedly, without any doubt commit.  I must believe I can do it.  So here it is, from me to you.

I will run a half marathon for the first time this November…… and maybe a full in January!

That’s the best I’ve got for now! Now back to training….. I am going to run a total of 2 miles tonight.  I will warm up for a half, then run 1 full mile as fast as I can and record that time, cool down for a half mile. That is my goal tonight.  Tomorrow is my Tread class which will be another 2 mile day.  Friday will be my long day…… this is the day I plan on passing that 3 mile mark.  4 is the goal on Friday.

Maybe it will rain…. I should watch a movie, maybe I should catch up on my DVR ?…… See, I need to shake off the funk and just get out there and do it!

Motivation, and accountability….. I will run over my 3 mile hump this Friday
There, I said it!

Live well my friends!